Saturday, February 20, 2016

The new

What you want to know about the new

The first face-off between the present and future standard-bearers of WWE ended in a decisive advantage for Reigns, who broke free of the Attitude Adjustment and ricocheted off the ropes seamlessly into a Spear. Roman's seemingly preordained destiny to climb the ladder was delayed once again, however, by Orton, who wrenched the big dog off the rungs into a backbreaker.
It was at this point, though, that every Superstar decided to make their big plays for victory, with the result resembling something of a 12-car pileup. First, Wyatt stormed the ring and drove Orton to the mat with Sister Abigail; Del Rio stopped him moments later with a kick to the face and was repaid moments later by Sheamus, who Brogue Kicked The Essence of Excellence into a stupor. Sheamus' own attempt to climb the ladder was cut short yetagainby Cesaro, who sent him tumbling into a European uppercut; Orton then stopped The Swiss Superman from winning by swinging him off the ladder into an RKO.

The Apex Predator ascended the ladder once again and Reigns made his final play to cut his budding rival off at the pass. For a moment, it seemed like the former WWE Tag Team Champion had made good on his promise to become the Champion of Champions when he knocked The Viper off the ladder, but Kane yet again proved himself worthy of The Authority's trust when he removed Reigns from the equation with a Chokeslam. It was then that Cena seized the opportunity fate had presented him. With Kane and Orton alone in the ring and the titles ripe for the Viper's taking, the Cenation leader made his play. First, he AA'ed an unsuspecting Kane and then delivered his signature maneuver to Orton, slamming The Apex Predator on top of Kane's prone body for good measure before climbing the ladders and unhooking the WWE World Heavyweight Championship for his 15th World Championship reign. And what a reaction he got from ringside: The Game, who had stacked the deck and rigged the odds in every way imaginable, nearly tore off his tie in frustration. Stephanie McMahon's jaw all but hit the floor. John Cena scaled the turnbuckles with the two titles in hand — the very outcome The Authority had worked so hard to avoid all those months ago — and mocked them with the "You Can't See Me" hand gesture. Of course, they could see him. In fact, if the trend holds, they'll be seeing it for a long, long time to come, whether they like it or not. The Champ is here.

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